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Save power with solar powers

Solar panels are everywhere in Australia; in fact, more than three million houses have already made a move to use them.

Why does this happen to be the case? The fact that Australia receives more sunlight per square meter than any other continent in the world1 makes it impossible to pass up the chance to switch to solar power.

Your potential cost reductions with the use of solar electricity

When compared to countries like the United States, which has the 21st highest cost of living in the world (as of September 2020), and the United Kingdom, which has the 33rd highest cost of living, it should come as no surprise that millions of people in Australia have already made the switch to solar power. Using electricity from the grid can be quite expensive when compared to generating power for free from Australia's abundant sunshine.

If an evageline family installed a solar power system with a capacity of 6 kW, they could cut their annual energy costs by as much as $1,500. In addition to this, they have the potential to cut their annual emissions of greenhouse gases by as much as seven tonnes, which would have a substantial positive impact on the environment.

Battery storage can save you even more money.

Because solar energy is generated at times when the homeowner is not making use of it, such as during the middle of the day when they are not doing much that requires a significant amount of power, a significant amount of the energy that is generated by solar power panels in many homes in Australia is returned to the grid.

It makes perfect sense to incorporate home battery storage into a solar power system since this allows for the electricity generated by solar panels to be stored for later use. Even when the sun isn't shining, you may still use the excess solar power you've generated instead of sending it back to the grid. This includes using the power at night or at times when utility prices are higher.

Solar power is a tried-and-true approach that has the potential to limit your reliance on the power grid, reduce the amount you spend on energy every month, and assist you in playing a role in the preservation of the natural world. If you wish to join the numerous households in Australia that have switched to solar electricity, you should get in touch with Henelect as soon as possible.

By participating in the Solar Rebates program, households in New South Wales (NSW) can reduce the amount of money they spend on their monthly energy bills by a sizeable amount. Homeowners are eligible for financial support in the form of a rebate, which can be used to purchase solar photovoltaic systems of any size. This strategy, according to what has been stated by the New South Wales government, has the potential to end up saving households anywhere from $500 to $600 yearly. In order to be eligible, applicants must not have installed a photovoltaic (PV) solar system during the previous year.

At Henelectic, we work hard to provide you with a competent service and to assist you in taking advantage of all the perks of installing solar panels.


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